Jordan is doing great and the incisions look awesome!Big shout out to Mandy & Christie for taking her sutures out!!! The only complaint that she is having is constant pain in her left heel/foot and we are hopeful that once the nerves start to heal in that area this will go away. Now comes the hard part...waiting for that nerve to grow and do its thing! Hopefully in about 3-6 months she will have some feeling on the right side!!
She is now focusing on getting ready for school to start back and is already studying!! When she returns she will be doing a clinical rotation in Morehead and she is VERY excited about this! Again, she continues to amaze me everyday by overcoming adversity and ALWAYS with a smile on her face!! Of course after this semester she will have another surgery. The 2nd step is scheduled for July 7th! At least there will be no white stuff that time of year!!
Thanks again to all of you that pray for Jordan, pray for our family, follow the blog, and have financially helped us along this journey. We could not have done this without all of you! PRAY FOR JORDAN!!!