As most of you that follow us know that in December 2013 Jordan had a nerve graft done. This entailed moving nerve from her left leg to the left side of her face. So the nerve has been regenerating since then. If you are asking yourself if this is possible, it is and it has regenerated!! This surgery will be to move a piece of her left thigh to the left cheek. Then they will connect the nerve & blood supply. This is another long surgery and she will be admitted from Mon-Thurs. Now I am sure you are thinking will the results be immediate, unfortunately, no. Hopefully in 2 months we will see some movement and it can be up to 2 years for the best improvement. Jordan will have lots of facial exercises to do and may even need some facial therapy. As a Mom my biggest concern will be the leg incision since it will be on her good leg. We all know how resilient Jordan is so I am sure she is going to do GREAT!
Jordan has a summer class this month & will finish that up this week. She will get a week off before we head to Boston. We are excited about doing a Ghost tour one night and can't wait to see family, Andrew & Yavonka!! This trip will be just Jordan, Taylor, & I. WHEW I don't know if Boston is ready for us!
Wow! You guys have been through so much and still have so much going on. You are amazing Jordan and family!! We're sending prayers and thoughts for a successful surgery and smooth recovery!!